First feast

Alex: *looking at Grace with a smirk* "So, Grace, would you like to join me?"

Grace: *smirking back* "You know, Alex, you're asking me that after you've already turned me into a vampire. It's not like I have much of a choice now, do I?"

Alex: *chuckling* "Fair point, my dear. But I like to think of it as giving you an opportunity you couldn't refuse."

Grace: *rolling her eyes playfully* "Oh, of course. How could I ever refuse such a generous offer?"

Alex: *grinning* "Exactly. So, what do you say? Are you ready to embrace our new life together?"

Grace: *grinning back* "Oh, why not? After all, eternity is a long time to spend alone."

Alex: *laughing* "That's the spirit, Grace. Welcome to the world of vampires."