Bloody night

Grace walked towards the shelter in the darkness, her eyes glowing like a cat's eye. She was ready to kill them all and drink blood from them. With each step, Grace's predatory instincts sharpened, her senses attuned to the slightest movement or sound. As she approached the shelter, her heart raced with anticipation, her thirst for blood driving her onward.

The darkness cloaked her movements, shrouding her in an aura of menace as she crept closer to her unsuspecting prey. Her eyes, now glowing with an otherworldly light, scanned the area, seeking out her targets with deadly precision.

As she neared the shelter, Grace's fangs extended, ready to sink into the flesh of her victims and drain them of their lifeblood. Her muscles tensed with anticipation, her breath quickening with the thrill of the hunt.