Let's go to the shelter

Layla and others served the food for everyone. As Layla and the others served the food to the group, Jude's gaze remained fixed on Alex, his suspicions lingering despite the apparent calmness that had settled over him. Though Alex appeared more subdued and less active than before, Jude couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

As he observed Alex from across the room, Jude noticed the hesitation in his movements, the way he avoided making eye contact with Susan. It was a subtle shift in behavior, yet it spoke volumes to Jude's keen perception.

With a furrowed brow, Jude considered the implications of Alex's subdued demeanor. Could it be a facade, a mask to conceal his true intentions? Or perhaps Alex had indeed been affected by recent events, his confidence shaken by the unseen forces that lurked in the shadows.