We must protect them

With each passing moment, the rift between captain and crew widened, fractured by the weight of unanswered questions and unspoken doubts.

As the echoes of uncertainty reverberated through the corridors of the ship, Layla and the others found themselves teetering on the precipice of revelation, their instincts urging them to delve deeper into the mystery that lay before them. For in the heart of their collective unease, they knew that the truth awaited, shrouded in the darkness that lurked just beyond the reach of their flickering lanterns.

Despite Alex's attempts to reassure them, Layla and the others remained resolute in their determination to uncover the truth. Ignoring his dismissive words, they set out to scour every inch of the ship, their footsteps echoing against the wooden floors as they delved into the labyrinthine passages and hidden alcoves.