Let me go and search

Jude was enjoying the woman as thinking she was Susan. His lust was making him do things. Besides in his memories he was pressing the breasts of Susan. The woman seemed like she was enjoying it too. As Jude succumbed to the intoxicating allure of his memories, his actions driven by a potent combination of desire and longing, he found himself lost in a whirlwind of passion and sensation. With each touch, each caress, he sought to recreate the intimacy he had once shared with Susan, his mind awash with memories of their shared moments of affection.

In his fervor, Jude's hands roamed over the woman's body, his movements fueled by a primal urge to possess and consume. And though the woman before him was not his beloved Susan, he was unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, his senses overwhelmed by the overwhelming tide of lust that threatened to consume him.