Chapter 249

Alex started cursing his own immortality. If he was a human he should have died a long time ago but now he has suffered every pain that woman caused him. He was already almost eaten.

Jude waited as a spectator there. His normal calm face was gone. Now it looked like a smirking devil watching punishment on a bad man. He seemed like he was enjoying the sight.

As Jude stood there, a silent observer to the chaos unfolding before him, a chilling transformation came over his demeanor. The once calm and composed expression on his face gave way to a sinister smirk, his features contorted into an unsettling semblance of satisfaction.

Gone was the facade of the mild-mannered man that had concealed Jude's true nature for so long. In its place stood a figure shrouded in darkness, a smirking devil reveling in the punishment being meted out to his unfortunate victim.