Chapter 254

Emma got back to her full strength thanks to the help of her friends and the medicine. She told everyone to go with her to the ship and it's urgent. They understood the seriousness in her voice and decided to go to the ship. As Emma regained her strength with the help of her friends and the medicinal aid, a sense of urgency gripped her. With determination etched upon her features, she knew that time was of the essence, and that they could not afford to delay any longer.

Gathering her companions around her, Emma's voice rang out with conviction as she urged them to accompany her to the ship without delay. The seriousness in her tone left no room for hesitation, and her friends understood that whatever awaited them there must be of utmost importance.

As Emma stood before her friends, her determination radiated from her gaze, her voice steady and resolute.

Emma: "We need to go to the ship, now. It's urgent."