chapter 270

Jude and the others rallied to prepare a meal for the newcomers, the atmosphere in the shelter hummed with a sense of camaraderie and purpose. Together, they worked side by side, chopping vegetables, stoking the fire, and setting the table with care. Even the newcomers, still adjusting to their surroundings, lent a hand, eager to contribute what little they could to the collective effort.

Amidst the bustle of activity, Jude couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in Layla's demeanor. Once a commanding presence, she now blended seamlessly into the group, her usual role as a team leader temporarily set aside in favor of a more humble position as just another member of the team.

As they worked together, Jude observed Layla's interactions with a keen eye, noting the absence of her usual assertiveness and confidence. It was a stark departure from the woman he had come to rely on, a reminder of the vulnerability that lurked beneath her outward strength.