Chapter 272

Stella kissed Layla, As Stella's lips met Layla's, Eva's mind reeled with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Irritation bubbled beneath the surface as she struggled to suppress the instinctive urge to resist Stella's advances.

However, despite her discomfort, Eva knew that she couldn't afford to reveal the true extent of her unease. Any sign of resistance would only draw suspicion to the difference in Layla's behavior, potentially unraveling the delicate balance they had managed to maintain thus far.

With a heavy heart and a forced smile, Eva allowed Stella's kiss to linger, her mind racing with uncertainty and apprehension. She couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that gnawed at her thoughts, as Jude's affections were divided between her and Stella.

As Jude's lips met hers from another side, Eva's inner turmoil intensified. Though she welcomed his touch, the presence of Stella added an unsettling layer of complexity to their intimate exchange.