Chapter 277

Stella fell down unconscious. She was on the water and Eva as Lucy caught her. As Stella collapsed unconscious onto the water, Eva, now inhabiting Lucy's body, sprang into action. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, she swiftly moved to retrieve Stella from the water, her movements fueled by a newfound sense of urgency.

As Eva carried Stella back to the safety of the shore, a strange sensation washed over her, a flicker of recognition, a fragment of memory that didn't belong to her. In that moment of connection, Eva felt a surge of confusion as glimpses of Lucy's past began to filter into her consciousness.

With each passing moment, the memories came faster, each one a puzzle piece in the enigmatic tapestry of Lucy's life. From childhood joys to moments of heartache and loss, Eva experienced the full spectrum of Lucy's emotions, each one leaving its mark upon her soul.