Chapter 290

Layla ran back towards the shelter. Layla's sprint back to the shelter was fueled by a mix of fear and urgency. The shadows of dusk lengthened around her, casting an ominous backdrop to her desperate dash.

Each step kicked up dust, and her rapid breaths filled the air with visible puffs of exertion. The distant echoes of wildlife underscored the eerie quiet of the approaching night.

Reaching the shelter at last, Layla pressed her back against the sturdy walls, her chest rising and falling with the strain of her sprint. She closed her eyes briefly, trying to slow her heartbeat and regain composure amidst the tension that enveloped her.

As she stood there, a prickling sensation crawled up the back of her neck, a sensation of being watched, of a presence nearby that shouldn't be there. The silence seemed to deepen, broken only by the rustling of leaves in the evening breeze.