Chapter 294

As Layla's heart raced in sync with the approaching footsteps of the encircling wolves, each beat thundered in her ears like an explosion in the deafening silence of the night. Fear gripped her with icy fingers, paralyzing her senses as she felt the predators drawing nearer.

Unable to stand against the overwhelming terror, Layla sank to the ground, her limbs trembling beneath her. The forest floor felt cold and unforgiving beneath her, a stark contrast to the searing panic that consumed her from within.

The wolves' advance was relentless, their calculated movements echoing through the stillness. Layla dared not look up, her eyes fixed on the earth below, her mind racing with a jumble of thoughts and prayers.

Time seemed to stretch into eternity as the wolves closed in, their breaths hot against her skin, their presence suffocating. Layla's body tensed, every nerve on edge, as she awaited the inevitable.