Chapter 296

Susan's penetrating gaze bore into Eva, who was inhabiting Sasha's body, her mind reeling with a mix of dread and desperation. Eva attempted to maintain a facade of innocence, feigning ignorance about her true nature and intentions.

"Susan, I don't know what you're talking about,"

Eva replied, her voice strained as she struggled to mask the turmoil within.

"I'm Sasha. I don't understand."

Susan's smile held a hint of amusement tinged with underlying menace.

"Oh, Eva,"

she countered, her tone betraying a deeper knowledge.

"You can drop the act. I've seen this before. You're not the first to try such tricks."

Eva's heart raced, realizing that Susan's awareness posed a direct threat to her hidden agenda. How had her secret been uncovered? And what did Susan intend to do with this newfound knowledge?

"I don't know any Eva,"

Eva insisted, her voice faltering slightly.

"I'm Sasha. Just Sasha."