Chapter 298

On the next day Jude awoke to the piercing screams of Lucy echoing through the morning air, his senses immediately sharpened with alarm. The urgency of the situation propelled him into action as he leaped out of bed, his heart pounding with concern and confusion.

Racing to the door of the treehouse, Jude flung it open and stepped outside, his eyes scanning the area below. There, at the base of the tree, Lucy stood in visible distress, her hands clutching at her chest as she continued to scream.

Without hesitation, Jude descended the ladder with swift, purposeful movements, his mind racing to grasp the nature of the crisis unfolding before him. As he reached Lucy's side, he could see the fear etched on her face, her eyes wide with terror.

Lucy struggled to articulate the source of her distress, her words fragmented and frantic. Jude's gaze darted around, searching for any signs of danger or threat, but the surroundings appeared deceptively calm.