Chapter 306

Eva felt that Lucy's body is much stronger than any other. And it was perfectly matched for Eva's soul. As Eva lingered within Lucy's body, a profound sense of resonance washed over her spectral consciousness. The vessel she inhabited, imbued with the purity of Lucy's soul, seemed to amplify Eva's ethereal essence with an unprecedented strength.

In the symbiotic union between spirit and flesh, Eva marveled at the profound synergy that existed between herself and Lucy's embodiment. The purity and resilience of Lucy's soul acted as a catalyst, infusing Eva's spectral presence with an inherent vitality and fortitude.

As Eva contemplated the nature of their intertwined existence, she recognized the transformative power inherent within Lucy's essence. The purity of Lucy's soul served as a conduit for Eva's spectral energies, forging an unbreakable bond that transcended the limitations of mortal perception.