Chapter 309

The spider stopped for a moment and slowly moved towards Layla as if it knew that she was cornered. As the colossal spider closed in, its menacing form casting a foreboding shadow over Layla, a sense of dread enveloped her. The creature's deliberate movements bespoke a chilling awareness of Layla's predicament, its eight legs propelling it forward with eerie precision.

Layla's heart pounded in her chest, her breaths shallow and rapid as fear gripped her. The spider's looming presence instilled a primal terror, its formidable size and intent evoking a desperate plea for divine intervention. With trembling hands, Layla clasped them together, her whispered prayers a testament to her overwhelming sense of helplessness.

Amidst the unfolding peril and the encroaching threat, Layla's resilience flickered against the shadows of uncertainty. Despite the overwhelming odds, a deep-seated hope flickered within her, a final ember of faith in the face of impending doom.