Chapter 347

Jude was wondering why the monster came beyond the border. He realized that there is no way to escape now. The only option they had till now was to stay on the other side of the border. But now the monster even crossed the border. Jude felt that death was near.

As the realization settled heavily upon Jude, a sense of profound dread gripped him. The breach of the border by the relentless monster shattered the fragile sense of security he had clung to. Now, with the boundary breached, Jude's mind raced through bleak scenarios, each tinged with the specter of imminent demise.

Desperation seeped into Jude's thoughts as he considered his dwindling options. The once-illusory boundary that had offered a semblance of safety had been rendered meaningless by the beast's relentless pursuit. Death seemed to loom ominously close, casting a shadow over his resolve.