Chapter 378

Jude came back to the treehouse. As Jude returned to the treehouse, the memory of the mysterious can from his dream weighed heavily on his mind. He settled into the quiet confines of their sanctuary, the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the wooden walls. Despite the late hour, sleep eluded him, his thoughts consumed by the elusive puzzle of his dreams.

Sophie stirred from her slumber, her eyes adjusting to the dim interior of the treehouse. Sensing Jude's restlessness, she rose quietly and approached him with a gentle concern etched upon her features.

"Jude, are you okay?"

Sophie's voice, softened by the veil of night, carried a note of genuine concern as she settled beside him.

Jude glanced up, grateful for her comforting presence amidst the nocturnal stillness.

"I can't shake this feeling, Sophie,"

he admitted quietly, his voice tinged with uncertainty.