Chapter 382

Yet amidst the desolation, a quiet resilience took root. Despite the impossibility of their situation, Jude and his companions clung to the fragile threads of their humanity, finding solace in their shared experiences and enduring bonds. In the face of the inexplicable, they remained steadfast, clinging to the hope that someday, somehow, they would unravel the mysteries that bound them to this unfamiliar world.

Still the arrival of newcomers and then them going missing or dead, Amid the relentless cycle of newcomers arriving only to disappear or meet untimely fates, Jude found himself immersed in deep contemplation. The pattern of arrivals and subsequent losses remained unchanged, casting a shadow of inevitability over their lives. As he grappled with the haunting repetition of events, Jude's thoughts were consumed by unanswered questions and gnawing doubts about their purpose in this enigmatic realm.