Chapter 390

The late afternoon sun cast a golden hue across the shoreline as Jude and Lucy approached the edge of the ocean, the weight of their mission palpable in their every step. Jude held the can containing Eva's essence tightly in his hand, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.

Jude and Lucy were about to go and throw the can in the ocean. As Jude and Lucy prepared to go to the ocean to dispose of the can containing Eva's essence, a sudden interruption came in the form of Scarlett, whose discovery of the can added a new layer of complexity to the situation.

Jude held the can tightly in his hand, a sense of purpose driving him forward, when Scarlett's voice rang out behind him.

"Jude, wait! That can you're holding… it's mine give it back. I found it on the shores a while back. It had these beautiful carvings, like a work of art. I brought it back to the shelter," Scarlett exclaimed, her eyes wide with curiosity.