Chapter 409

Jude was taken aback by Queen Sara's beauty, her presence captivating him like no other woman had before. Despite his attraction, Jude's conscience wrestled with the loyalty and trust he held for his wives. He hesitated, knowing his responsibilities extended far beyond mere desire.

As Queen Sara leaned into him, the temptation to reciprocate her advances surged within Jude. However, a rush of clarity swiftly followed, a stark reminder of his sacred duty to safeguard his marital commitments. In that fleeting moment, he understood the gravity of his position.

Summoning his resolve, Jude gently but firmly withdrew from the queen's embrace, a silent gesture that spoke volumes. "My queen," he began, his voice tempered by both admiration and restraint, "I am honored by your kindness, but I must uphold the trust my wives have bestowed upon me."