Chapter 414

"I understand your curiosity, but we must exercise caution,"

Queen Sara continued, her gaze scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

"There are forces at play here that we do not fully comprehend."

Jude nodded reluctantly, acknowledging the wisdom in Queen Sara's words. "You're right, Your Majesty," he conceded, his voice tinged with relief despite his lingering curiosity. "We should proceed with caution."

Together, they retraced their steps away from the derelict house, leaving behind the ominous presence that loomed within the forest. As they continued their journey, Jude couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that clung to him like a shadow.

Queen Sara's watchful presence offered a sense of reassurance amidst the uncertainty of their surroundings. Her intuition and knowledge of the forest's secrets proved invaluable, guiding them away from potential dangers lurking within the ancient woods.