Chapter 418

Sophie couldn't wait to tell everyone that her child is a girl. As she reached back in the shelter she told them about it. As Sophie returned to the shelter, her heart brimming with excitement and anticipation, she was greeted by the familiar faces of her companions, Layla, Susan, Zoey, Rose, Scarlett, Stella, Grace, Lucy, Natalie, Emma, and Serena. Each of them regarded Sophie with warm smiles, their eyes alight with curiosity and joy.

"Sophie, you're back! How was your time with Nyla?" Layla asked eagerly, her enthusiasm mirrored by the others.

Sophie beamed, unable to contain her excitement. "It was amazing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with wonder. "And guess what? Nyla listened to the baby's heartbeat, and she said it's a girl!"

A collective gasp of delight rippled through the group, followed by a chorus of congratulations and exclamations of joy.

"A girl! How wonderful!" Susan exclaimed, clasping her hands together.