Chapter 427

What is the truth? Who is telling the truth? Where can I find the truth? Even if I find out that the witch is doing all this, how can I hope to defeat her? Jude had a lot of questions in his mind. He decided to go back to the village and ask the people more about the story of the witch Mary, who's now in the form of Elysia.

Jude's mind was a whirlwind of doubts and questions as he made his way back to the village. The path seemed longer than before, each step heavy with the weight of uncertainty. The villagers greeted him with cautious nods and whispered greetings, their eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and curiosity.

Seeking answers, Jude sought out the village elders, keepers of ancient tales and legends. He found them gathered around a crackling hearth, their faces weathered with wisdom.

"Tell me about the witch Mary," Jude implored, his voice tinged with urgency.