Chapter 440

Sophie: "Thank you for helping us, dear monkey. We truly appreciate your bravery. But... what do you mean there's no promise we'll get out alive?"

Monkey: *chatters solemnly, its eyes reflecting a mix of determination and caution* "The world beyond these cages is fraught with danger. Even if you escape this place, there are perils awaiting you outside. I cannot guarantee your safety."

Mary: *nods in understanding, her expression grave* "We've come this far... We must try. Please, come with us. We can face whatever comes together."

Monkey: *hesitates, its wise gaze fixed on Sophie and Mary* "I wish I could join you, but my place is here. The wolf and I have known no life beyond these confines. Out there... there is nothing but uncertainty."

Sophie: *frowns, torn between hope and trepidation* "But... what will you do here, alone?"