Chapter 452

The prime minister, consumed by ambition and greed, meticulously orchestrated his sinister plan to sow discord and seize power. With unwavering determination, he assembled a clandestine network of conspirators, each sworn to carry out his bidding at any cost.

Under the cover of darkness, the prime minister's agents infiltrated the royal palace, their movements shrouded in secrecy as they sought to execute their malevolent scheme. Cloaked in shadow, they conspired to strike at the heart of the empire, targeting Queen Sara and her unborn child as instruments of their treachery.

Driven by a lust for power, the prime minister's ambitions knew no bounds. He envisioned a future where he ruled unchallenged, his thirst for supremacy eclipsing all sense of morality or decency. To him, the ends justified the means, even if it meant sacrificing innocent lives for the sake of his twisted aspirations.