Chapter 454

In the midst of his contemplation, Jude sensed a presence nearby. Opening his eyes, he saw Layla standing before him, concern etched on her face. She gently touched his shoulder, breaking his concentration.

"Jude, are you alright?" Layla asked softly, her voice filled with compassion.

Jude nodded, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "I'm fine, Layla. I just need to focus on finding a solution to our problem."

Layla sat down beside him, her expression thoughtful. "We're all here for you, Jude. Whatever it is that's troubling you, we'll face it together."

Jude offered her a grateful smile, appreciating her unwavering support. "Thank you, Layla. I know I can count on all of you."

As the festivities continued around them, Jude and Layla remained in quiet contemplation, their minds united in their shared determination to unravel the island's mysteries.