Chapter 457

The cat, trained to discern the nature of its food, held a pivotal role in safeguarding Queen Sara's wellbeing. Its reactions would serve as a reliable indicator, eating when safe, but refusing or pushing away food when sensing danger.

Emperor Edmond Royans, aware of the potential implications of Jude's gesture, conveyed the gift to Queen Sara with utmost reverence. The cat's presence within the palace would serve as a subtle yet effective deterrent against those plotting harm.

As the cat settled into its new surroundings, Jude awaited anxiously for reports of its observations. Each interaction with the cat carried weight, its reactions scrutinized for any signs of foul play or concealed threats.

Meanwhile, whispers of admiration circulated among the courtiers, praising Jude's foresight and tactical acumen. The cat symbolized more than a mere gift, it represented a vigilant guardian, a sentinel against unseen dangers lurking within the palace's walls.