Chapter 485

As Jude and Elysia continued their journey through the cave, a strange sensation began to pervade the air, an undercurrent of energy that neither could ignore. Jude's senses heightened, his focus drawn inexplicably towards Elysia walking just ahead of him.

Unbidden feelings stirred within Jude, a potent mix of attraction and desire that he struggled to comprehend. He found himself watching Elysia with a growing sense of fascination, captivated by her every movement. Her presence seemed to fill the cavern, illuminating the darkness around them.

Elysia, too, felt a shift in the air, a subtle yet undeniable pull towards Jude. She sensed his gaze upon her, a warmth spreading through her despite the chill of the cave. It was as though an invisible thread connected them, weaving a delicate tapestry of shared emotions.