Chapter 496

The black aura surrounding her seemed to pulsate with malevolent energy, amplifying the air of dread that permeated the chamber.

Jude's mind raced, grappling with the implications of Elysia's transformation. Her words, delivered with a disembodied voice that echoed from all directions, carried a threat that reverberated through the very core of his being.

But amidst the looming threat of destruction, Jude's acute perception honed in on a disconcerting detail, Elysia's lips remained unmoving as the ominous proclamation filled the air. The source of the voice seemed displaced, as if emanating from some unseen specter lurking within the shadows.

Confusion mingled with dread as Jude confronted the inexplicable spectacle unfolding before him. Had Elysia succumbed to external influences beyond her control, or was this a manifestation of forces far darker and more sinister?