Chapter 498

"What do you make of the city's defenses?" Sophie inquired, her voice low.

Lucy's eyes gleamed with curiosity, her rogue instincts ever vigilant. "Well-organized," she replied, her gaze sweeping over the watchful sentries. "But not impenetrable. We'll need to tread carefully."

Meanwhile, Rose and Layla ventured into quieter districts, their steps purposeful yet unassuming. Rose, the diplomatic strategist, struck up discreet conversations with locals, her charm a potent asset in gathering information.

Layla, her scholarly demeanor a cloak for her keen intellect, perused ancient texts and obscure archives, piecing together fragments of lore that hinted at the country's hidden truths.

Hours passed like fleeting shadows, each member of the group diligently pursuing their respective tasks. As the designated meeting point drew near, Sophie's anticipation mounted, her mind abuzz with the possibilities uncovered by their covert reconnaissance.