Chapter 502

As the vision coalesced around him, Jude's awareness became one with the tormented figure of a woman, tied to a wooden cross, the weight of impending doom pressing upon her soul like an invisible shroud. The air crackled with anticipation, charged by the fervor of the gathered throng, a congregation of accusers and executioners, their faces contorted with zealous fervor.

The woman's gaze, unyielding amidst the storm of accusations and condemnation, swept over the sea of faces that encircled her, a grim tribunal of righteous fury and ancient vendetta. Her son, a solemn presence among the gathered multitude, bore witness to the impending spectacle with eyes clouded by conflict.

Voices rose like a chorus of condemnation, accusations laced with fervent zeal and fervor. The air echoed with the weight of collective judgment, the woman's fate sealed by the unforgiving decree of divine retribution.