Chapter 509

Jude was plucking some fruits from a tree while Lucy came running and told him that someone was attacking the shelter. Jude's hands stilled amidst the foliage as Lucy's urgent words pierced the tranquility of the island. The notion of an attack on their shelter sent a jolt of apprehension through him. He glanced at Lucy, her eyes wide with alarm, and felt a surge of protectiveness rise within him.

"Attacking the shelter? Who could it be?" Jude muttered, his mind racing through possibilities. Was it another band of marauders from a neighboring island? Or perhaps a creature of the deep, drawn by the scent of their refuge?

Lucy's breath came in quick gasps as she struggled to explain. "I... I didn't see clearly, but I heard voices and sounds of commotion near the perimeter. We need to hurry, Jude!"