Chapter 516

As they rounded a corner, Nefertari skidded to a halt, her eyes widening in disbelief. Before them stretched a corridor littered with ancient traps, a testament to the pyramid's defenses. Pressure plates adorned the floor, while concealed mechanisms lay in wait along the walls.

Jude's heart sank as he surveyed the treacherous path ahead. "Nefertari, wait!" he called out, his voice filled with urgency. "It's too dangerous to rush in blindly."

But Nefertari's resolve remained unyielding. Ignoring the warning signs, she pressed forward, her eyes fixed on the distant source of her son's cries.

Jude hesitated, torn between his duty to protect Nefertari and the imperative to find Amin. He knew they needed a cautious approach, but Nefertari's desperation was palpable, a potent force that propelled her forward.