Chapter 529

Scarlett's suspicions grew stronger, her mind racing with possibilities. "We need to get back to the others," she said, her tone urgent. "Something isn't right."

Together, Scarlett, Hisham, and the boy ventured deeper into the labyrinth, their footsteps echoing in the silence. The atmosphere grew tense, the air thick with apprehension.

As they approached the chamber's exit, Scarlett's senses tingled with foreboding. She turned towards the boy, her eyes narrowing with suspicion.

"Amin, stop," Scarlett commanded, her voice firm.

The boy froze in his tracks, his gaze shifting nervously. "What's wrong, Aunt Scarlett?" he asked, his tone laced with feigned innocence.

Scarlett's gaze bore into his, her mind racing with doubt. "Show us your hands," she demanded, her voice unwavering.

The boy hesitated, his eyes darting between Scarlett and Hisham. Slowly, he extended his hands, there was nothing special.