Chapter 540

But as they neared the other side, disaster struck. The floor beneath them gave way with a deafening crash, sending Susan, Tariq, and Amin plummeting into darkness.

The impact was jarring, and Susan struggled to regain her bearings as dust and debris settled around them. She heard Tariq calling out to Amin, his voice muffled by the chaos.

"Susan, are you okay?" Tariq's concerned voice echoed in the darkness.

Susan winced, her body aching from the fall. "I think so," she replied, her voice strained.

Amin's frightened cries pierced the air, adding to the sense of urgency. "I'm scared!" he exclaimed.

Susan reached out, her hands groping in the darkness until she found Tariq's reassuring touch. "We'll get through this together," she said, her voice steady despite the chaos.

With their torch extinguished in the fall, Susan's mind raced with thoughts of escape. She fumbled in the darkness, searching for any sign of a way out.