Chapter 551

As emotions threatened to overwhelm him, Jude turned away, struggling to contain the tempest raging within. The others remained silent, their own grief echoing Jude's unspoken sorrow.

Scarlett placed a gentle hand on Jude's shoulder, her touch a silent offering of solace amidst the storm of emotions.

"We'll honor her memory," Scarlett whispered, her voice a fragile thread of hope.

With a heavy heart, Jude nodded, his resolve tempered by the memory of Layla's unwavering courage. She had sacrificed herself for the sake of their quest, a selfless act that spoke volumes of her character.

Together, they carried Layla's memory as a beacon of strength, guiding them through the shadows that loomed ahead. Amidst the trials that awaited them, Layla's spirit remained a steadfast presence, a reminder of the bonds that transcended time and adversity.