Chapter 554

Sophie stood at the threshold of the shifting divide, her senses heightened by the palpable energy surging through the air. The air hummed with an ancient resonance, carrying whispers of forgotten secrets and untold mysteries.

With hesitant steps, Sophie ventured forward, crossing the invisible boundary that separated her from the others. As she stepped onto the newly revealed path, a surge of anticipation mingled with uncertainty coursed through her veins.

The journey towards the pyramid had taken on a new dimension, one that transcended the physical and delved into the realm of the mystical. Sophie's skepticism wavered in the face of such profound strangeness, replaced by a cautious curiosity.

Ahead, the towering silhouette of the pyramid loomed against the horizon, its ancient stones weathered by time yet imbued with an aura of timeless majesty. The others, unaware of Sophie's solitary odyssey, pressed onward towards their destination.