Chapter 560

As they prepared to face the challenges of a world beyond the island, Layla's companions carried with them a shared sense of purpose, a testament to the enduring power of love and remembrance in the wake of loss.

And as they ventured forth into the unknown, the echoes of Layla's influence guided their steps, a legacy of hope that would sustain them through the trials that awaited on the horizon.

As Susan, Lucy, Scarlett, Jude, and the others listened to Nefertari's distraught account, a heavy silence settled over the group. The revelation of Amin's disappearance amidst the vanishing pyramid cast a shadow of uncertainty over their already burdened hearts.

Nefertari's tear-streaked face bore the weight of a mother's anguish, her eyes pleading for reassurance amidst the tumultuous uncertainty. Lucy reached out, her touch a gentle anchor amidst the storm of emotions. "We'll find him," Lucy assured, her voice unwavering with determination.