Chapter 567

As Jude's groggy consciousness fought its way to the surface, he slowly became aware of the weight pressing down on him, the warmth of bodies entwined with his own. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, his mind still foggy from sleep.

The incessant ringing of the phone pierced the silence like a clarion call, its urgency pulling at Jude's frayed nerves. With a sense of determination, he reached out in search of the source of the noise, only to find his movements hindered by the unexpected presence of bodies tangled around him.

As his eyes adjusted to the dim light filtering through the curtains, Jude's gaze fell upon the faces of the women lying beside him, their features softened by the gentle caress of sleep. Recognition dawned upon him with sudden clarity, they were his colleagues, fellow healthcare professionals who worked alongside him at the hospital.