Chapter 578

Jude's mind raced as he sought to defend his actions, a silent sentinel amidst the tempest of scrutiny. "I conducted additional tests and consulted with colleagues," he explained, his voice tinged with resolve. "The results revealed that David's condition was not as dire as initially thought."

The administrators exchanged incredulous glances, their disbelief palpable. "Regardless of your intentions, Jude, you cost this hospital a significant sum of money," the chief administrator remarked, their voice laced with reproach. "Dr. Isaac had recommended immediate surgery, which would have been financially beneficial for the hospital."

Jude's heart sank as he realized the implications of his actions. The specter of retribution loomed large, a silent testament to the tenuous balance of professional ethics and fiscal responsibility.

"I acted in the best interest of the patient," Jude replied, his voice a quiet plea for understanding amidst the tumult of accusation.