Chapter 593

Layla listened intently, her hands gently brushing over the leaves and flowers. "I wish I could remember," she said softly. "But I feel a connection to this place. It's like my heart remembers, even if my mind doesn't."

Stella, with her adventurous spirit, took Layla on hikes through the island's trails, pointing out hidden spots and secret clearings. "We discovered so many amazing places together," Stella said, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You always had a way of finding the most beautiful spots."

Layla felt a sense of wonder as she explored the island with Stella. "It's like I'm seeing it for the first time, but it feels familiar," she said. "I can see why we loved it here."

Serena, with her musical talent, played songs on her guitar that she and Layla used to sing together. "Music has a way of bringing back memories," Serena said, her fingers strumming the strings. "Maybe these songs will help you remember."