Chapter 599

Scarlett, practical as always, added, "And we need to be prepared for anything. We don't know what we might find, but we need to be ready for whatever comes our way."

Lucy, her voice filled with determination, said, "We'll start first thing in the morning. We'll split into groups and cover as much ground as we can. We'll find the answers we're looking for."

As they made their plans, Layla watched them, her heart swelling with gratitude. Despite their doubts and fears, they were standing by her, determined to help her uncover the truth. She felt a renewed sense of hope, knowing that she wasn't alone in this journey.

The next morning, the women set out on their expedition, splitting into groups and fanning out across the island. Sophie, Natalie, and Rose took Layla with them, hoping that revisiting key locations would trigger her memories.