Chapter 606

"I remember something," Layla said, her voice filled with excitement. "I remember being here with you and Jude, climbing trees to get the bananas."

Sophie's eyes widened in surprise. "That's amazing, Layla! Do you remember anything else?"

Layla shook her head, the memory already fading. "No, just that one moment. But it's a start."

Sophie hugged her tightly. "It's more than a start. It's progress. We'll get through this, Layla. I promise."

As the weeks went by, more fragments of memories began to surface for Layla. They were small, fleeting moments, but each one brought her a step closer to reclaiming her past. The wives continued to support her, their initial fears now replaced by hope.

One evening, as they sat around the campfire, Layla shared another memory that had surfaced. "I remember a storm," she said, her eyes distant. "We were all huddled together in the shelter, listening to the wind howl outside."