Chapter 621

The following days were a flurry of activity. The group split into teams to cover more ground. Some focused on gathering food and supplies, while others continued to explore the island for more clues. Jude and Nefertari took on the task of deciphering the symbols and trying to piece together a solution to the curse.

Their efforts were not in vain. They discovered that the witch's power had been tied to a sacred artifact, a talisman that had been hidden on the island. The carvings hinted that the artifact had the power to either break the curse or strengthen it, depending on how it was used.

"We need to find this talisman," Jude said. "It's the key to everything."

The group redoubled their efforts, scouring the island for any sign of the artifact. They searched caves, climbed mountains, and delved into the depths of the forest. The ghost ship continued to loom on the horizon, a constant reminder of the urgency of their mission.