Chapter 625

Jude felt a surge of excitement. "This could change everything. If we can understand this history, we can protect the island and maybe even harness its power for good."

Ethan nodded, his expression thoughtful. "And ensure that no one else falls victim to the same curse."

They carefully packed up the scrolls and made their way back to the camp, eager to share their discoveries with the others. As they approached, they saw Serena, Sophie, and Lucy working diligently on fortifications and gathering food. The camp was taking shape, becoming a true home in this strange and wondrous place.

Gathered around the campfire that evening, Jude and Nefertari shared what they had found. The group's excitement was palpable as they examined the scrolls and discussed their implications.

"This is a treasure trove of knowledge," Sophie said, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "We need to study these carefully and learn everything we can."