Chapter 638

Jude read aloud from one of the scrolls. "The Shadow Weaver thrives in darkness, feeding off fear and discord. It was banished along with the dark force but could return if the island's balance is disrupted."

Dr. Hargrove frowned. "This Shadow Weaver sounds like it could be the cause of the recent disturbances. If it's manipulating the dark force from within the island, we have a serious problem."

Ethan added, "And if it's feeding off our fear, the unrest among our people could be making it stronger."

Jude and Nefertari knew they needed to address the community's growing concerns. That evening, they called a village meeting to discuss their findings and to plan their next steps.

"Friends, we face a new challenge," Jude began. "The dark force we've battled may be only part of the threat. There's another entity, the Shadow Weaver, that seeks to disrupt our balance and feed off our fear."