Chapter 652

In the tranquil days that followed their latest discovery, the island's inhabitants settled back into their peaceful rhythm. Jude and Nefertari, still buzzing with the excitement of their journey, spent many evenings by the campfire, discussing their plans and hopes for the future. The Heart of the Island, now a revered symbol of their unity, glowed softly at the center of their village, a constant reminder of their responsibility to protect their home.

One afternoon, while the villagers were engaged in their daily activities, a sudden tremor shook the ground. It was brief but strong enough to cause alarm. Jude, who had been helping to construct a new shelter, immediately gathered his team. "We need to investigate this," he said, his expression serious. "It could be a sign of something deeper happening on the island."

Nefertari nodded, her eyes filled with concern. "We should start by checking the Heart of the Island. If there's an imbalance, it might be the source."