Chapter 658

As they spoke the ancient words, a gentle hum resonated through the air. The symbols on the altar began to glow, their light intensifying with each syllable. The villagers watched in awe as the energy flowed through the altar, creating a vibrant, pulsating aura.

The ritual lasted several hours, each incantation building upon the last, until finally, the energy reached a crescendo. A brilliant light erupted from the altar, spreading outwards in a wave that enveloped the entire island. For a moment, everything was bathed in a warm, golden glow, and a profound sense of peace settled over the land.

As the light faded, the villagers erupted in cheers. The first ritual had been a success, and the island's energy network had been significantly enhanced. Jude and Nefertari exchanged a look of triumph, their hearts swelling with pride and relief.