Revered Magus Chapter 8 – Spell book


While keeping low-key and training all he has to the perfection stage and obtaining the power of Peak Ranked Martial Artist just on the brink of ranking up. However, Rio's father sent for him to get tested if he had the talent to become a mage.

Rio now stood in the center of a hall where his father and stepmother were and was presented with a clear sphere by a servant. "Put your hand on the sphere," Rio's father said with a commanding tone. As ordered, Rio put his hand on the sphere and kept it there, after a couple of seconds passed the sphere started to shine. "It seems you have talent in becoming a mage so we will send you to the Magus Academy for you to get the further test and to be entered into a suitable sect. You will leave Tomorrow, go get ready" Rio's father said with his usual cold and expressionless face, but internally happy

Rio knows the outside world is a very dangerous place, so he decided to try to rank up to 1st Rank Shicidan Martial Artist, although the gap is just one level, the power of being a Shicidan is vastly different from being an ordinary martial artist.

Over the past years, Rio has been going to the black merchant to see if he has any pills that could help strengthen him further, unfortunately, Rio came back with nothing special. He got the body tempering pill to try to assist him in breaking into the Shicidan Level.

Tomorrow came however he couldn't break through to the Shicidan level. When he was packing all his things and about to leave, Rio nearly forgot about the stat points accumulated since he was so focused on comprehending and training in the martial arts that with the system he could directly rank up.

'System' Rio thought.


Name: Rio Casmir

EXP: 24,940

Class: 1st rank Mage Apprentice

Subclass: 4th rank Martial Artist

Strength: 10.0

Agility: 10.0

Endurance: 6.0

Mana: 5.0

'System put 10 points in both strength and agility and put the rest in mana'

[Ding! Instructions received....]


Name: Rio Casmir

EXP: 40

Class: 1st rank Mage Apprentice

Subclass: 1st rank Shicidan Martial Artist

Strength: 20.0

Agility: 20.0

Endurance: 6.0

Mana: 9.0

Rio's body tensed up and usual and cooled back down leaving a refreshing and empowering feeling. 'Perfect now I am confident in at least surviving until we reach the academy. I thought before smelling a weird smell and realized some black liquid was coming out of my body. 'Damn I'm supposed to leave soon' Rio thought while taking off his clothes and heading to take a quick bath. 5 minutes later Rio felt refreshed but had no time to sink into feeling as if he was in a rush.

Rio arrived at the main gate to see a carriage and 4 bodyguards waiting for each of the peak-rank martial artists. The guards looked at me with annoyance probably because he was late but they obviously couldn't state it. On the other hand, 'you're late' Rio's father was surprisingly there said, and Evelyn was there mostly to keep up with the charade of being a nice and supporting stepmother.

"Rio, Although I haven't spoken to you, I did pay attention to you these past years with your secret midnight ventures," He said not in an annoyed yet calm tone. Shocked was an understatement to how Rio was feeling but he managed to hide his emotion from showing on his face, however, He could not stop the shock from showing after he heard his father's next sentence

"1st Rank Mage Apprentice, it seems you found something good in your venture, I was even there when you broke through protecting you. Anyway, enough with the talking and stay safe. Take this with you he handed Rio a spatial ring.

The look on Evelyn's face was more in awe than mine. 'What? did you think you could hide your rank from me? Hahaha Boy, you have much to learn' he said while chuckling. Come to think of it Rio hasn't had a chance to scan his father. 'System analyze'


Name: Martin Casmir

Class: ???

Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Endurance: ???

Astonished, is he so strong compared to Rio that he couldn't see anything but his name? Rio sighed and the urge to get stronger grew stronger.

"Thank you, Father," Rio accepted the spatial ring and put it on his right middle finger and he hopped in the carriage. "Are you not going to ask why I ignored you all this time?" Father said reluctantly. "You must've had your reason" Rio smiled sincerely at him. In truth, Rio didn't care. Father smiled back as if he had the weight of a mountain lifted off his shoulder.

"Take care of your brother while you are there" the stepmother finally spoke

Rio rolled his eyes, but they didn't see since he was already in the carriage, that he was on his way to the Magus Academy.

"Oh Flora, How I failed you so" the Count spoke in a miserable tone while looking up.

A scene where a carriage surrounded by 4 people on horses covering each corner appeared, while Rio was busy cultivating, he didn't need to worry about anything as he was already a 1st rank Sheridan martial artist, though it could be a bit troublesome, he has the power to kill the bodyguards protecting him, so he didn't need to fear much. Even if he does encounter a threat, while the bodyguards buy time, he would just flee using the wind chaser martial arts.

From what Rio heard it takes around 2 days to get from the count manor to the Magus Academy including all the rest breaks in between. A day passed by normally with them stopping once to take a rest. During the rest, Rio decided to look into the spatial ring his father gave to him. Shocked, stunned, surprised. Rio doesn't know what word could describe the words I felt at the moment. The first thing that he saw and caught his eye was a Bronze ranking in the Human Level (Level 1) spell book called wind slice. 'System Absorb'

[Ding! Instructions received....]

[Ding! Spellbook wind slice has been absorbed]

As Rio felt a bit dizzy and lightheaded getting all the information from the spell book, it seemed it was an invisible wind attack that sliced anything within 400 feet of the caster. He then dived into the ring to see If there was any further thing that could be used and there was a list of useful things that would cost a lot such as:

Mana gathering pill

Mana restorative pill

Energy Restorative pill

A short sword

A crossbow

There were a couple of martial arts books, but nothing useful. Before he was about to take his consciousness out of the spatial ring, He found something shining and withdrew it from the ring. Confused about what it was he told the system to analyze the item.

[Ding! The host has analyzed a low-grade spirit stone]

'A low-grade spirit stone? And they were 25 of them?' He was baffled he thought he would look into spirit stones more when he got into the academy not expecting him to have a bag of it with him right now. Rio remembered when the system said he could absorb spirit stones for EXP. 'System how much EXP could I get with one spirit stone'

[Ding! Users can get 10 EXP from one low-grade spirit stone]

'10 EXP? Is that it, that is just a 0.01 stat point. How much EXP would I get from a high-grade spirit stone?' He asked the system.

[Ding, Information insufficient, need contact with high-grade spirit stone to measure conversion rate]

Rio sighed before putting all the stuff back into his ring, maybe spirit stone is more valuable in the academy since it is used as currency there.